Duration: 2'00" Ensemble: SSATB unaccompanied Grading: Medium |
Resplenduit facies ejus was composed at the request of The King's Counterpoint for their 2021 residency at Canterbury Cathedral. This motet, together with O nata lux (also published by Chichester Music Press) was to be sung for the Feast of the Transfiguration. The residency was cancelled because of the pandemic and their 2022 visit didn't coincide with the feast. However, was aired at Buckfast Abbey before the choir began its residency at Canterbury.
The motet was intended as an introit. It was composed with that purpose in mind, and also to take advantage of the vast space afforded by the cathedral. There are few settings of this text so the motet would be a useful resource for visiting choirs in residency when the feast occurs on August 6th.
Recording by Kinnison Choral.
His face shone like the sun, and his clothes likewise became as white as snow. And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, speaking with Jesus.