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I saw a new heaven - Richard Nye 2'15" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Revelation 21:1-4
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God's Gate - Simon Mold 5'15" £3.00
SATB organ. Music for the dedication of a church
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Gladsome radiance - Mark Swinton 2'15" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Phos Hilaron setting
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O sacrum convivium - William Mason 2'30" £1.50
trebles organ. Aquinas eucharistic text
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Love divine, all loves excelling - Simon Mold 9'00" £4.00
SATB organ. Anthemic setting of Charles Wesley text
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In memoriam: Ricardus Rex - Graham Keitch 3'330" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. Used at King Richard III's reiinterment
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Roxburghe Carol - arr. Simon Mold 4'00" £2.50
SATB unaccompanied. French chanson arrangement for Christmas
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Adventus Christi - arr. Simon Mold 4'15" £3.50
double SATB unaccompanied. Handel aria repurposed for Advent
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Joseph dearest, Joseph mine - arr. David Fawcett 1'30" £1.50
SATB unaccompanied. Neville Talbot carol arrangement
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In the bleak midwinter - Ian Bevell 4'00" £2.50
SATB piano. Christina Rossetti carol
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The Angel Gabriel - Ray Cook 2'30" £1.50
Unaccompanied SATB. Original setting of S Baring-Gould's Christmas text
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